воскресенье, 12 июля 2020 г.

Several learning contexts

For me, several learning contexts are effective. 1) I like to study in a relaxed atmosphere at home (with my dog ​​in the photo but in silence). 2) Sometimes I listen to a lecture in headphones while walking around the lake. 3) I like to work with tutor, for example, studying English.I like when she asks me leading questions and give a naughty connection, it inspires me to my own insights. 4)Now I am learning to play the violin and constant correction often annoys me. I prefer to make discoveries myself, creatively master the subject, rather than follow rigid instructions, but it seems my teacher follows traditional technique. 4) When I was studying as a gestalt therapist, for several years, I experienced included observation of the master, imitation of interventions, work in pairs and groups. This technique is based on the work of Kurt Lewin and the humanist school, which is consonant with the amazing lectures here in the first lesson. Anna Sosnovskaya, Russia #wfe1

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