воскресенье, 26 июля 2020 г.

#wfe2 What is intelligence and does it matter? (week 2)

#wfe2 What is intelligence and does it matter? (week 2) This week I liked the idea from an interview about getting rid of the concept of "ability". It is a very liberating and supportive idea to focus on what you can do better and view learning as a process of working with stages. And be sure to see the purpose of work, meaning and general picture of training. From article I like the Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence (1985) which is the cognitive concept and the rejection of psychometrics.

пятница, 17 июля 2020 г.

What future for education? #WFE1

Reflection Лондонский университет, UCL Institute of Education First week final reflection on learning for #WFE1: what I will be able to get out of this course; what ideas I already have about the future of education. I enjoyed the first week of the course 'What future for education?' by UCL Institute of Education. It focused me on some important issues. I am a teacher, Associate professor and I am interested in everything related to learning. I am constantly learning and believe that it is important during all life long. In Russia, we have a traditional and authoritarian style of teaching mainly, although in commercial structures they try to find an individual approach to students. I found the Soviet era in the 1980s, when the idea of service-training, based on the ideas of Vygotsky and Piaget, was strong, all schoolchildren were young pioneers those days, in fact, volunteer initiatives. It seems to me that learning through the service is effective and humane and in tune with some of the ideas of the article. I liked the idea of getting to know others, the world and yourself through communication with other people, through getting to know their texts, self-expression. In part, it seems to me, this will be implemented in this course. Because I have already felt the effect of enriching the opinions of many people from different parts of the world, with different cultures, interested in one topic and presenting their vision. Learning about yourself by the results of conscious interaction, experiment, the risk of self-expression is very effective! After the lecture by Dr. Hargreaves I understood more deeply that the students are scared. They may fear evaluation, authoritarianism and inconsistency of teachers, favoritism, and also come into contact with their fellow students. I liked the idea of authorship - I will definitely take it from this course. We need to create a safe environment, empowering students with authorship and freedom. Each student is the author of own vision and contributes to the general field of education. This is a constructivist approach to teaching. I was interested to hear about 4 learning objectives. My opinion has changed compared to what it was before the course. I now believe that the future lies with the following learning goals: learning to live together and learning to be. Students enjoy the learning process - they reflexively evaluate how it personally works for me. I believe that the future of learning lies in project work and a constructivist approach, when everyone is initiative and responsible for their learning.

воскресенье, 12 июля 2020 г.

Several learning contexts

For me, several learning contexts are effective. 1) I like to study in a relaxed atmosphere at home (with my dog ​​in the photo but in silence). 2) Sometimes I listen to a lecture in headphones while walking around the lake. 3) I like to work with tutor, for example, studying English.I like when she asks me leading questions and give a naughty connection, it inspires me to my own insights. 4)Now I am learning to play the violin and constant correction often annoys me. I prefer to make discoveries myself, creatively master the subject, rather than follow rigid instructions, but it seems my teacher follows traditional technique. 4) When I was studying as a gestalt therapist, for several years, I experienced included observation of the master, imitation of interventions, work in pairs and groups. This technique is based on the work of Kurt Lewin and the humanist school, which is consonant with the amazing lectures here in the first lesson. Anna Sosnovskaya, Russia #wfe1